Been Busy in the Basement

2013-05-29 11.51.57.jpg

I've been hanging out in my basement again, partly because I went from this...​

Photo May 25, 12 47 10 PM.jpg

To this!

I was so excited about my bright, daylight-color florescent fixture I didn't even bother straightening up before I took the picture. But then, the basement doesn't have a lot of ambiance regardless, although my #twilters ("Twitter Quilters," with thanks to @verylazydaisy) all said that the industrial look fits my Mad Quilt Scientist persona. ​However, it's always a lot neater than that before I start a new project.

Back to the story..​

Memorial Day (#MDSI) was fairly warm and clear, so I took advantage of that to use up some old dyes with outdoor dyeing, and having the long weekend also meant I got to play with a new technique (see Sandi's blog at Quilt Cabana Patterns for the backstory to this), and finally use a sampler pack I'd bought from ProChemical & Dye in Paducah.

I don't have time to do a big long blog entry so I'm just going to embed a slideshow from Flickr. This is my first time taking this embed-slideshow-from-Flickr thing for a spin on this new website (which works a little differently than embedding Flickr on other sites) so hopefully this will work. If not, just go to The photos are captions with explanations although, again, not sure if those show up on the slideshow or not. Here's hoping for the best...

(LATER Editor's note: If you hold your cursor over the word "notes" just to the lower right of the slide show, it'll pop up the captions to the pictures. This dog has learned a new trick!)

Get the flash player here:

I get my first CSA delivery of the season this afternoon--woot! Maybe I'll be able to kick Food Fridays back into gear....​