Thinking about it Thursday

This week, I'm thinking...

  • that I'm back to using my Passion Planner again
    • for awhile at least
    • just to make a more complete comparison with bullet journaling
  • that part of the problem was visual clutter
  • that apparently not a cute-sticker-kind-of-girl
  • that they ended up just annoying me and getting in the way
  • that color coding even feels like it takes too long
    • even though I know it's a helpful tool
    • but I need to streamline or I won't use anything
  • how much better I felt when I ripped all the added note pages and financial trackers out of my Passion Planner
  • how I apparently like a clean and minimalist interface
  • that I'm not keen on always having to draw my own monthly and weekly calendars
  • how the Passion Planner provides all that for me
    • which is very handy
    • because I'm basically lazy
    • and I'm not someone who needs my planner to be a work of art
  • how I keep waffling, though, because I can really see the use of a bullet journal
  • that you're probably all getting really sick of reading about my waffling
    • so I should just keep it to myself from now on
    • until I finally commit one way or the other
    • and then I can let you know the end of the story
  • how much I'm getting out of Imogene Lamport's Ignite Your Style Genius workshops
  • how I took four big bags of clothes to Goodwill this week
    • because 3/4 of them are now too big to wear (yay)
    • and the other 1/4 are not good colors for me, good shapes, or good at playing in the sandbox with the rest of my clothes so why give them real estate in my closet anymore?
  • how I like having an emptier closet because I know everything in it actually works
  • that I can't wait to hear back from the person I've contacted to set up a color analysis
    • because that will really help me shop smarter when it comes time to fill some of that empty space again
From Feb 2016 but it'll look about the same this year--my "Squares of Chocolat" quilt is my retreat quilt. (No "e" is intentional: Chocolat was a line by Moda that most of the quilt was made from, and it's the Square in a Square technique by Jodi Ba…

From Feb 2016 but it'll look about the same this year--my "Squares of Chocolat" quilt is my retreat quilt. (No "e" is intentional: Chocolat was a line by Moda that most of the quilt was made from, and it's the Square in a Square technique by Jodi Barrows)

  • that by the time you read this I'll be on a quilt retreat
  • how exciting it is to be touching my sewing machine again
  • how I'm trying to keep myself reasonable in what I want to get done
  • that I'm looking forward to the weekend with my peeps!