Scrapitude Progress and Linky Party #1


Here's how far I've gotten on Scrapitude, and I started a whole lot sooner than all y'all!

I still have about 60 scrap squares and nearly all my background to cut.





But wait! I do already have bunches of squares sewn into pairs. Okay, so I cheated a little. I raided a project bin I'd started last spring to do a Jacob's Ladder scrap quilt. Holy Moly, I have enough 2 1/2" squares for probably four Jacob's Ladder quilts after I get Scrapitude done, so all's fair in UFOs and Finishes.





And, since I did that little tutorial on nested seams in four-patches last time, I do have two four-patches done. Yay me.


Are you doing the Scrapitude Mystery Quilt by Charlotte? If so, link up your blog post about your progress so far here! 

Everyone else, check out the linkies below and cheer people on. And who knows? You might just catch the bug! (You'll need to click on the InLinkz widget below to see the links or add your own.)