Second Quarter 2014 Quilty Resolutions Check-In

Holy cow, where did the last three months go? Suddenly, it's time for a check-in and I feel like we just finished the last one!

But, there it is. Time for the second quarter check-in on how you're doing on your 2014 Quilty Resolutions!

For those of you who gave me your resolutions through my blog, here's the spreadsheet with your resolutions to help you remember what all you'd thought you might get done. (As I mentioned before, I've removed email addresses!)

For those of you who didn't participate in my 2014 Quilty Resolutions giveaway, you can still play along now! Just report in on whatever quilty resolutions you did make.

I'll be drawing a name at random from the Rafflecopter widget below on Sunday, July 6. The winner will get these four lovely fat quarters!


For some of you, this will be a two-step process. For others, only one!

First step for everyone: Leave a comment on this blog post with your progress, and then make sure you enter the giveaway via the Rafflecopter widget immediately below. (I'll only see your name through Rafflecopter for the drawing, I won't be trying to count up names in the comments.)

NOTE: My first Rafflecopter giveaway ended a day earlier than I planned so I've done a new one to run on Saturday only. All prior entries are still preserved in the original Rafflecopter--this new one will simply be for people who have not already entered. I'll figure out how to choose the winner between the two!

Use this Rafflecopter widget on Saturday, July 5. I'll draw the winner on Sunday, July 6.

Second step for bloggers: If you've got a blog, write about your progress on your quilty resolutions and link up here! To enter the linky party, click on the link below reading "An InLinkz Link-Up." Follow the directions. (Remember, you still have to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway above. This linky party is just so others know about your blog and can come for a visit!) No fears--participating in the linky party does NOT earn bloggers an additional leg-up than non-bloggers in the giveaway. It's just for kicks n' giggles!

For everyone--click on the link to the linky party below to see who-all has linked up, and go read their blogs! It'll be good times!

The giveaway and linky party both close on Saturday night, July 5th, at midnight my time. I'll be doing my drawing on Sunday morning, July 6th. Again, I'll only draw from names entered in the Rafflecopter widget so be sure, after you've left a comment on this blog, that you go back into that Rafflecopter widget to say that you've left a comment!

I'll be posting my own progress in a separate blog post. Looking forward to seeing yours!